Essential Email Etiquette for Customer Success Managers - SmartKarrot

Essential Email Etiquette for Customer Success Managers

Customer Success Email etiquettes must be maintained before you hit ‘send’. But how to maintain email hygiene, here are eight golden rules for you.


It is a given that customers receive a ton of email notifications the whole day. Some of which could be from your competitions too. And that is why following some basic email etiquette tips can help ensure your message is well-perceived. While social media channels are said to be great marketing vehicles, email communication is still the main way people communicate online. It is an email that affects everything from repeat purchase rates to lifetime value. This also changes impressions on what someone has to speak about your brand privately and publicly.

Further, statistically proven, 60% of consumers say they’ll subscribe to email promotions from brands, as compared to only 20% that say they’ll check social media for them, making email marketing undoubtedly powerful. Here are 8 essential customer success email etiquettes to help you maintain mailing hygiene:

  • Begin with a clear subject line
  • Watch out the size of the email
  • Add a dollop of personalization
  • Tonality and Styling
  • Give exclamation points a check
  • Use a second pair of expert eyes
  • Casual Setting over Formal
  • Convert to positive language over negative

Begin with a clear subject line 

Customer success welcome email must start with a clear subject line. It is the first thing recipients see, and it’s the main factor that will influence whether they open your email at all. That is why you should pen down a subject line that gives people a certain cause to open it.

What’s the main thing they should know about what will be in the contents of your email? In addition to writing attention-grabbing and candid subject lines, it’s essential that it has relevance to the content of the email. Ensure that the subject is in relevance to the rest of the body. Do not deviate from what you really want to present.

Check the size of the email

Email Etiquette for Customer Success Managers

Much of the common content formats, such as videos, infographics, and ebook PDFs, have medium to large file sizes. It is also known that large files might be rejected by a person’s email. Else, it could be flagged as spam. And even if they make it to the inbox, they’ll be slow to load and may take up inbox bandwidth your recipient can’t afford.

When facing such situations, try to embed content whenever possible. But then again, only when the size is too large. If the content is something you can showcase by a single link, do that instead.

Add a dollop of personalization 

Personalization experience really comes down to making your customers feel like they’re doing business with a human, not a company. Note that A customer service email isn’t a transaction; it’s a conversation between two humans. You must know you wreathe a way better, relevant customer experience when you introduce yourself to the customer. Using your name as well as showing your face, puts you in the green light.

Tonality and Styling 

The quality of your write-up, nuances of proper formatting, and relevant tone show the gravity of good customer support. There are several elements that you should consider and go over with your whole team to make sure your customer support style and email templates are in harmony. This can include voice and tone, personalization, language and structure, workflow, and visuals.

Give exclamation points a check 

Exclamation marks may seem like an easy way to add some cheeriness to an email, but they can make you look like you’re trying too hard. Imagine receiving a marketing customer success email with this subject line: Thank you for your patient hearing!!!!

For most, it doesn’t feel very professional. Now and then, an exclamation point can help you express excitement. Nevertheless, remember that introductory customer success email should be subtle. You may use exclamations but ensure they have the proper emphasis the times you do trot them out.

Use a second pair of expert eyes

Simply put, getting the tone right in the email is tricky. The same words in written form can seem entirely different than they would speak face to face. To make sure you get your tone right and that the email makes sense, have someone else in the company read over it before it goes out.

After checking off all the requisites, have a teammate read an email as a gut check. This can provide some peace of mind for important communications as well.

Casual Setting over Formal 

When it comes to setting the right tone for customer service, it’s hard to know exactly when to be formal or casual. Today, most of the online customers, prefer a casual tone in customer support. But do not get too friendly. Do not break into the professional-set barriers. Refrain from getting overly casual, say, by sharing a winked eye emoticon or a slang.

Convert to positive language over negative 

Positive language has the power to change the way your customers read your support emails. Start by spotting negative words and replacing them with positive ones. For instance,

Actually, you can find this under Account Settings!


Sure thing, you can do this under Account Settings, let me help you out!

Do you see the subtle difference? Removing a few negative words or phrases from your customer interactions completely changes perception. Know which words to use and the ones to refrain from.

Final Take

Email is one of the main ways prospects and customers will interact with a brand, which is why sticking to these tried-and-true etiquette rules can provide the polish you need to stand out. When every email you send meets basic email etiquette standards, your customers are more likely to see you as a professional, trustworthy brand to which they’d be happy to give their business.

Your e-mail is a reflection of you. Every e-mail you send adds to or detracts from your reputation. Your e-mail greeting and sign-off should be consistent with the level of respect and formality of the person you’re communicating with. Follow the aforementioned and you are half-way through framing a world-class email draft!

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